Anyways, its the summer holidays for education in England at the moment, and to be honest i think i'm busier than when im at school. For one, i've been bundled with coursework that needs to all be finished (seriously, you'd think 6 weeks was enough to get it all done...) along with my sibling babysitting and house clearance duties (mother seems to think holidays are an excuse to treat us like slaves). But happily, the end of this week will hopefully be a break from all this labour. Tomorrow im going into London to look at Tim Walkers photography exhibition, and then to do my mums 'Lotte Berk' exercise class. Friday, im going to a watersports center, then on saturday, i'm spending two weeks lapping up the sun and surf in the south of france.
To round things up for the next two weeks, i'm catching up on the tags/awards ect. that i've missed out on doing.
Lovely Romany from The 16 Diaries tagged me.
1) What was I doing 10 years ago?
Possibly making daisy chains and watching endless repeats of Hannah Montanna.
2) What are 5 things on my to-do list today?
1. Pack for holiday
2. Start coursework for art (great...)
3. Tidy room, wash floors, become general house slave.
4. Pre-download Gok's Fashion Fix
5. Cook dinner. And not burn myself in the process.
3) Snacks I enjoy
3) Snacks I enjoy
I am rather fond of Vienetta ice cream (consuming whole packets to myself is rather satisfying), although i'm equally satisfied by fruit, particually grapes and apples.
4) Places I've Lived
I'd love to say i've lived somewhere exciting, but since i've been born i've always been Molly from East Anglia, England. Although Australia and Paris are high on the living agenda's for the future.
5) Things I'd do if I were a billionaire.
- Buy my dad a private surfing beach
- Donate to charities
- Buy a house in london thats walking distance from the V&A
- Get my mum her own studio that she can practice Lotte Berk in.
6) People I want to know more about
Myself. I feel i don't know enough about myself.
I'm tagging Ashcan Rantings , Couture salope , maveri_ck<3 , Plain Jayne + This is adele and anyone else who wants it.
Also, thanks to the wonderful (and creative, check out her sketches!) Debbie from I<333design, for this award.

Have a good summer everyone, and i look forward to hearing from you in two weeks!