Friday, June 15

Happy Birthday Olsens!!

In celebrations of mka's 21st birthday, i have decided to pay tribute by dedicating a whole post to the fashion of the twin. It doesn't seem long ago from when they were young, sweet and in "so little time." But now, as young adults, they get more stylish by the second, and *sobs* not little girls anymore.
All together now : "Happy birthday to you.. happy birthday to you..."
NOTE: I cant actually tell them apart, so no names are included. But generally, i love Ashleys style more. MK is sometimes too OTT, maybe even bordering old-lady style.)

Ashley? Not sure.. but i love this. (check out those Loubitons!)

Younger, but hot in this gee-orgeous dress.

Looking Fashion-forward in gingham and oversized bags.

Love the shades, but those shoes are really too high!

Casual cool in cut-offs and gladiators.

So happy Birthday Olsens, may this be another stylish, productive year for both of you.



Joyce said...

I dont link blogs at the moment only streetstyle blogs/websites. Sorry! I add you as soon as I start adding blogs all right? (if i dont, just remind me..)

By the way, you have a nice blog too, be proud of it girl!:)

Mrs Fashion said...

Hey, where were Sam and Amanda in your post?
Mrs F x

Emily ♥ said...

i love your blog! want to exchange links?

Susana Rodrigues said...

I like the Olsens style very much!


Elle said...

the last outfit is so cute I'm dying for a pair of gladiators and denim cut offs

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

I love all those outfits, I adore that they have a consistant style.

Tru said...

good post and I agree those shoes are way to high, they're like hooker wear

sophie said...

YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED- check out my latest post for more info


Emma said...

Oh lord. I am not such a big olsen fan but now at least they can legally drink and have an excuse- i.e. being drunk- for some of their outfits.

Anonymous said...

I like the olsen style! Not always but most outfits are great or some stuff of it!
