Wednesday, April 2

There are parts of fashion that everyone hates. My Dad hates wedge heels and anything baggy or 'vintage'. My Mum hates anything made out of PVC. My 5 year old sister detests wearing the colour green. And My Brother doesn't know the foggiest about fashion, so we just won't go there.

As for me? I hate[d] jumpsuits.

Why i hear you ask? That's a good question. The jumpsuit has been a part of my life for as long as i can remember. For the first couple of years of my life i wore them. My uncle, and close family friend [who are both builders] wore them, and still do to this day. Perhaps it was a jumpsuit overload that has triggered my hatred for the one piece suit, or perhaps it was the imaginable difficulty of taking them off/ putting them back on for toilet trips.

I don't know what it was, but what i do know is that i feel i am being converted. To anyone that read yesterdays post, you'll see i evaluated danish brand eluise which featured not one, but two jumpsuits. And whats more- i loved them. They're slouchy, look comfortable and come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours.

Moschino & Stella McCartney S/S '08.

And with all the hype around them for S/S, i feel that perhaps i am ready to embrace this trend. [Which i am annoyed about because i was so adamant i hated them!] So you can imagine my supreme excitement when i saw that GAP UK has produced a jumpsuit similar to the one i mentioned in a previous post from Stella McCartney- and for £510.50 less!:
Note the better quality of my scans- my scanner now works and i have bought photoshop!

So what do you guys think? Should i buy it? It is growing on me... and at £39.50 its cheap.. enough..?
Your opinions are needed!

Have a good evening everyone...

Molly xo.


Anonymous said...

Nope, don't do it!
It's like eating
cauliflour. What if
you end up liking
them? People will
see you as the girl
who likes to wear
jumpsuits. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

for a minute i was about to say- stay away unless you're your uncle! but that gap one looks more like chic overalls than a jumpsuit! so go for it! just keep it simple

american magazine! aha! this is an area i know quite well ;) considering i read 11 on vacation haha (i also know some of the uk counterparts, so i can do some compare contrasts)

Vogue- the original vogue is definitely a must-buy if you don't already subscribe. Stunning editorials, gorgeous clothes, endless inspiration, intelligent articles, some pompousness, but still worth it.

ELLE- I also like ELLE, its a little less highbrow compared to Vogue, but still has a lot of fashion info, really good celeb interviews, and just covers a lot more material than Vogue ever does, most of the articles are fairly interesting no matter who you are, i once spent a 5hr plane flight reading it ;)

NYLON- Definitely the hipster magazine, and I say that in both a good and a bad way. They cover indie bands, films, and clothing labels. They are more raw than most mags- featuring less trends and therefore a more original outlook

Teen Vogue- lets face it, the articles suck, but they have really colorful inspirational editorials & just inspiration everywhere. a great teen fashion mag

Marie-Claire- A good all around "womens" magazine, covers everything fairly well, interesting interviews, and some fascinating articles

STAY AWAY FROM- Vanity Fair, a very liberal pretetious magazine with huge articles. Harpers Bazaar- just photos basically, but not anything new. Allure- all beauty, no substance. Lucky- shopping for those with no style. Glamour- mediocre womens mag. In Style- nothing but play-it-safe celeb style.

i guess that's thorough enough as always haha ;) any brit recommendations?

Anonymous said...

btw, i know what borders you're talking about. i love that borders! :) its 10x better than any US borders (and its from the uS!?) plus you actually have starbucks in it. in the US borders has its own lame coffeehouse & the starbucks is in barnes & noble (my favorite book store chain). anyway, i have a fond relationship w/ the cambridge borders because i went there for the final Potter book @ midnight

molly said...

i want anti-jumpsuit as well but ive been seeing them in ways that i like recently!

Addison said...

hmmm im in two minds about jumpsuits/playsuits whatever you want to call them. I adore that moschino one thou. I dunno about those Gap ones thou. I think you could make it work....

argh, im so indecisive!!!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

The jumpsuits are growing on me, but I think they are difficult to wear and tend to make someone look like an infant...

la petite fashionista said...

i hate when this happens, you come into a stuggle of fashion morals haha. even if you do hate them, the stella mccartney jumpsuit is so freakin cute!:)

Kira Aderne said...

hello dear friend!

answer better your question..when you go to the jornalism university you study some art and fashion too at during the course. If you wanna, it´s good too, after graduation, doing a graduate course in fashion jornalism. But, what´s the most important, in my opinion, is know the subject you write about and this you are learning here in the blogs. It´s great too read books about the fashion world and the history of the labels, designers and tendencies in each decade pasted, that´s something that i strongly recomend, if you wanna persue that carreer...
so, i hope i have helped you and good luck, jornalism it´s an amazing world!!!

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

why do people make fashion so complicated? My mom is one of them, so difficult to please!

hannah said...

i love rompers. but jumpsuits bug me. i hate them on most people, but erin wasson pulled it off recently. she is the only one who has done it in my opinion.

Romany said...

Definitely buy it - that's the hottest jumpsuit I've seen!
Although there was a particular one that Nicole Richie used to wear which would even make ME convert, but that was a romper and I guess they're sort of different...

Ella Gregory said...

I really love the GAP version
I would wear that!
And I'm really getting into your blog too!

Anonymous said...

I just can't reconcile yself with the jumpsuit. I would have to say No.

Anonymous said...

omg, Gap and it's collaborations are definitely something worth saving your pretty pennies for

Style Spot said...

the GAP version is so adorable !
I would wear it, so if you love it, then you should def go for it !

I'd love to exchange links with you xxx

bronwyn said...

Jump suits are cool, in theory, and they can look absolutely far as I go, I just can't wear them, they never fit my body type. Always too short in the crotch.

Cate said...

...hmmm...the stella mccartney jumpsuit looks quite nice, even for a jumpsuit. it looks better than the gap one. well jumpsuits/rompers are one trend i DON'T LIKE AT ALL. so much difficulty wearing them, and in my opinion it's more for little children or builders. i know the feeling when you start getting used to a trend that you previously hated, but you can't fight it ^^
if i was you, i'd buy the stella mccartney jumpsuit (if i had the money) but not the gap one, but i don't know about you, which one you like better.

Siru said...

I am too slowly starting to get warmer for jumpsuits but still I couldn't ware them in public. But for summer and beach, friends and lazy sundays.... I could visit the American Apparel.

Your blog seems awesome !

juliet xxx

millicent said...

jumpsuits that have shorts are actually cute, like the kinds that stella mccartney makes. love her!

anna. said...

yesyesyes! i love it.

and the skirt is fro forever 21.

Jill said...

I say try them on, and if you really like how they look then go for it. I've changed my mind about quite a few things too.

Mónica said...

Personally I don't like jumsuits (despite I like the Moschino you got there), so I'd not buy it, but if you like it, why not? That's the point of fashion, being able to wear whatever you want!

lydz said...

it's okay, i don't think it's the best thing to spend that kind of money on. i mean, just wait until it's marked down...a lot. also, think: r u really going to wear a jumpsuit? in the pic advertising it, it looks like the girl is wearing overalls at her grampa's beet farm.

Héloïse J. said...

i luv jumpsuits and i'm in search of the perfect one! the gap version is really cool but i prefer stella's one :P :D

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

Now that I think about it I like almost all fashions in some way, maybe I don't like mom jeans and the whole goth look but I think you can make most stuff work.

Fashion Tidbits said...

do. not. succumb :P said...

Ooh it's so debateable isn't it? I think they're cute on the right person. I must admit I like the baggier ones best. I like how they call the short ones 'shortalls' in the US.

bigglassesgirl said...

I love jumpers/rompers/whatever one likes to call them. But I admit, the for the first few minutes I put one on, I feel about 8.

Caroline said...

those khaki rompers are AMAZING!

Carolina Lange said...

They can look so good on some people and so bad on others! It's a very hard decision! I don't know what to say...
The one from Gap looks very cool.

Anonymous said...

Hi molly!!
I have always liked jumpsuits but they have to be a certain cut or my butt looks funny hehe, the stella and the gap ones look fab, though!!
I have a friend who will NOT wear red or pink no matter what, she has the most beautiful red handbag and won't use it for her life!

(p.s. I wasn't expecting so many comments, either!! I'm so flattered and motivated and all sorts of good things! ;))

Secretista said...

I love jumpsuits. Always have, always will!

Aisha said...

I actually think you should buy the gap jumsuit, i love the colour and design :)

buy buy buy!

SKYLA said...

i'm in love with the stella mccartney jumpsuit

J.M. Powell said...

i'm also newly jumpsuit obsessed...i've got one, but i can't keep myself from wanting more

K.Line said...

The Gap one is good. It's not my look, but it's growing on me! K

Natty said...

I lvoe jumpsuits but the Gap one doesnt look very nice in real life I dont think - it kind of has a weird shape. I am going to go for the full length grey sweat one from TopShop unique when it is finally available..

alana said...

i hope you got that jumpsuit! i love it. and i love the blue moschino one too. whats with all the jumpsuit-hating i've noticed lately?! thy're fun! ps hope you dont mind if i link u?