The subject of this post comes from my trips to facehunter. Usually, this street-style sanctuary gives me inspiration and style ideas. But alas, today was diffrent.
Upon log on, i found LEGGINGS. Leggings are simply the worst fashion statment in the world. [Besides Crocs and Uggs]. So i've decided. Now is the time to stand. All for the ban of leggings say i?

YES! I never never never ever liked this trend. It just have sluts the excuse to wear even tinier skirts and claim it was ok due to leggings. Also a lot of girls ruined perfectly cute dresses by shoving leggings underneath. then there was the whole case of girls who really shouldn't be wearing leggings in the first place...ewww. actually when I was in cambridge last summer, I saw that leggings were still really hot, and I was totally depressed because usually UK trends pop up in the US 6 months later (ie rompers, trenches, colored skinnies etc), but leggings still remained ugg haha
Just wondering if those leggns will make you sweat. Cool, though.
agreed agreed agreed agreed agreed agreed 100%. Leggings are HORRIBLE. Honestly, just wear skinny black pants or tights! My top 5 fashion pet peeves are uggs, crocs, leggins (as you said! Great minds think alike :]) fake nails and velour tracksuits (especially if the person is wearing both parts at once)
I feel the first two pictures are whats totally wrong with leggings. I am sorry, but I am not keen on watching your butt or other things that gets VERY visible when you were leggings, while I drink my coffee or enjoying my food. It does not matter if you are supermodel, it still looks bad. I used to do ballet and this reminds me of that and the fact that it looks like they forgot to put an item of clothes on. NO, NO ,NO. Its ok if you have a sweater or cardigan that covers you up, but no still not for me.
Ughhhh, I hate leggings with such a burning passion. It's like a staple for the girls at my college. I've prided myself on NEVER wearing them. I like tights with dresses so much more.
I don't hate leggings... But i look awful in them. I know some girls who look great though.
Chee, everybody in the world is suddenly against crocs and leggings?
No more velour?
It's a conspiracy.
It's plain unfair.
It's elitism.
I'm not giving up my flip flops either, no, no, no.
There's nothing else left in my closet.
I've recently started wearing footless leggings because well, they are actually really comfortable. I also got some leather like leggings so it can't be helped.
Wait... don't get the wrong idea. I don't wear them instead of pants, I wear them under dresses or shorts.
Hhhmmm... I have different thoughts on tights, sometimes they look good on people but VERY rarely. Today I saw a million people wearing them that would have looked a thousand times better in a tailored pair of pants. Maybe people just need a lisence to wear them ;)
Agreed, those girls look good in leggings. I find leggings can be okay as long as the person looks good in them. My disdain for them is directly proportionate to how the person wearing them looks.
I think leggings can be so good, or so bad. I wear them in the house as pajamas. I wear running tights (which basically look like leggings) at the gym, but outside these two arenas, I can't bring myself to wear them. I tried it once, and felt naked.
That's not to say I didn't wear the heck out of them when they first came around, because I did. I wore them to my office job. I got away with it.
Mixed bag for me. I'd rather see Crocs eliminated once and for all. I find them much more offensive.
i luv luuuv leggings :P
i simply cannot stand by you on this..... i wear leggings with my oversized tshirt dresses and dresses, and they're swell. if they're worn literally as PANTS though, it's different story altogether.
I couldn't agree more. Leggings are sooooo over by now!
i looove leggins i wear them all the time! you have to combine with the right shirt.
I actually really enjoy leggings, as long as they are under a dress or skirt. No minis though. As long as your thighs arent too big, and you arent wearing them as pants, Im afraid I have to disagree with you. And leggings are not nearly as bad as crocs.
Also, it seems that some people in the world seem to not like something when it becomes popular. Wayfarers, gladiators, leggings. Im not saying its you, but I seem to see that trend of "I hate it because everyone else <3 it", which is just dumb
I'm not ready to ban them, some pairs rock, most suck, but there are always exceptions...
i can tolerate leggings under some circumstances.. its leggings as PANTS that drive me insane. no one has the body for that!
I like leggings...
I love love love leggings - so don't ban them! OK? :-)
Also I do with uggs, but I'm not really sure about Crocs. I think, Crocs look better, if men wear them.
leggings look terrible as pants but under skirts and dresses I think it can look cute.
And I really disagree with you banning them. People tend to love something when its new and different but then pull ugly faces to a certain trend once magazines like People say its out or so last year. If you like it and have the right body for leggings and wear them fashionably, then theres nothing wrong with them.
I love reading all the
different responses you
got, Molly, to this post.
i am with you, the time for leggings is over...
so, i think its time to move on!!!
i don´t know why stores keeps sailing it!
nice post!
a kiss and a hug,
I hate crocs and uggs too!!! But those poka-dot leggings are the WORST!
I quite like leggings, not in all cases, and I think it can look terrible, but there are definetly ways they can look really good. It all really depends on the wearer and style, I think.
I'm loving you! It's so great to hear that out there is people who too hate leggings, crocs and uggs! Why DO people wear something that UGLY?
juliet xxx
Funny, I just posted on how I was mad that I couldn't buy latex leggings because they looked horrible on me! So I agree it is time for them to go!
Well unlike crocs, I think legging can sometimes work.
Mostly I don't have too much of a problem with leggings - they've saved my neck (fashion-wise, of course lol) a few times, to be honest.
But when it comes to the 'leggings as pants' epidemic, I am with you ALL THE WAY! Especially those shocking latex-looking one - what kind of person puts on leggings by themselves and thinks to themselves: "Yep this looks hot."??? Sorry, I'm being so harsh, but ever since Lindsay L started wearing them everywhere they're really starting to annoy me. Lol.
I like leggings.
i think leggings can look really nice under a skirt or a dress, really makes the outfit look less slagish?but they are usually footless tights, but anyway i do agree they look horrible just worn like that... Lindsey Lohan really wears them not good lol!
sorry i havent posted in soo long! ive explained on my new post!
Also i tagged you... sorry! lolxx
There are some girls that can actually make leggings look kind of cool but there are far more offenders who help reaffirm that leggings are tacky and need to go!
I'm linking you, I hope you'll check out my blog.
Leggings work so long as the bum is covered.
I never wear leggings... but I'll admit that leggings do look good if worn properly. I agree the "trend" has dragged on for too long, but I don't really care as long as they're worn right.
In my opinion leggings can only look good on a few very stylish girls. So maybe it's better to ban them, right?
totally!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so with you on this. I'm not really voiced on banning things altogether but leggings should GO. far far away
Worn as pants, yes, they are awful. but with a skirt and awesome boots or shoes, they can work.
They are necessary for me, as I teach yoga, and am on the go a lot from class to class. I have to make them work for me.
I only like leggings if they're the ankle ones. I hate the 3/4 ones.
Also when they're worn properly. You know, with a long top that covers you're butt (so, leggings as pants are a big no-no for me) and not with denim mini skirts.
I've tagged you by the way. :)
Check my blog for details.
I'm not the biggest fan but I do wear them sometimes...there's only so much you can do when the weather is crappy all year. It's a way to wear the fun S/S stuff even though it's raining.
Guess what city I live in...haha
i think its the way leggings are used. i think they shouldnt be worn with denim skirts and uggs together.but they can be wron in the way that the girls show in the pics you put up. it can go both ways.
did i say, i like the pink shoes?
nooooo: i love leggings :]
i'm sorry !!
it really depends though.
i hatehatehateabhordetestdespise calflength lenggings and lace hem leggings.
& lindsay lohan's new legging line, she said it was inspired by marilyn monroe. uhh, when did marilyn ever wear leggings ?!
Ohh... I don't know. I'm not a fan at all of the leggings-mini skirt comb but... some girls can really pull them off in stylish ways. I think it depends on how they are worn....
Wow someone who agrees with me! they are really unflattering too! Its soo bad when girls wear them as trousers and they are wearing a long t shirt! its like for F**k sake, cover up your bottom!
anyway would you check out my blog and link with me?
its my new blog, im from couture cookies n lipgloss|!
i don't understand- i think leggings are great. they suit 2 purposes- the main- used as pantyhose or whatever its called- perfect with skirts when it's cold...
and as pants when wearing short sweater/tops..
i know!! no one wears pants anymore!! I think I owned one pair in 6th grade maybe. And that was it..but I kind of like the first ones. They have them at American Apparel.? but I would so much rather wear tight skinny jeans than leggings. or just tights..haha
Leggings aren't the worst..I am a bit tired of them.I think they are trend that is past over...
I don't agree, I like leggings they can look effortlessly cool and you can wear them in all colors. They are also cheap and comfortable. I've gained a bit of weight the last year and leggings has saved my life! haha
but its amusing to see other people wear them :)
my sister hates leggings with a passion. i USED to hate them with a passion, then i had to get some to wear under a very short dress which still looked too short in just tights. but now... i don't know! they are starting to look a bit too 80s for my liking.
people need to get over it...leggings aren't going anywhere! besides they are soo comfy. so jump on the band wagon ya haags! haha
i am against leggings when they are worn as a substitute for pants! with normal length t shirts, under tops that are too long to be t shirts and too short to be dresses and under mini skirts. with flip flops, sling backs, sandals.
however i think there have been people who wore them very well and pulled off the look. so its a matter of choosing the right outfit, shoes and accessories to match =)
i just bought those american apparel leggings, i think when they're worn the right way they can look good, but when people where them with shirts that are too short then its a nono
agreed, agreed, and agreed. i mean, they look just "okay" with a tunic and some cute sandals or something, but people have manipulated leggings by pairing them with minis and tennis shoes (EW) or with dresses (i've seen people wearing knee-length dresses with leggings!). and, there's also the whole shorts and leggings thing. talk about HIDEOUS.
oh, and i HATE it when people wear something like a babydoll top or blazer with leggings (and nothing covering your butt). it's so gross, since
a) you can see their pantylines
b) those people don't have nice butts
anyway, i'm done with my rant now. ;)
All I can really say is Thank You. I don't really know anyone who doesn't like leggings. I just don't understand why they have become such a big trend! The most absolutely horrible thing is people who wear them as pants. I like tights, but leggings are just terrible.
I have to agree with Charlotte about this one. people shouldn't like and dislike clothes according to what fashion magazines say. things like "it is in" are followed by "it is sooo over" just because celebrities stop wearing certain things or fashion designers stop creating them. this is such a lack of personality, you guys....
i dislike leggings also.
especially when they are worse as pants!
I would never lump leggings into the Crocs category - I love them and those ladies look fantastic!
I'm late on the response, but I feel you on the leggings. I never got into that trend when it started and then when everyone and their mom was doing it. It's not flattering and it's hot!
:) i like them . oups!
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