I have fond memories of raiding my grandmothers wardrobe as a child, having been a fan of 'dressing up', with a specific desire for jewellery. I would pile it on, whether it be silver, gold, pearls, or simple rings, and i would love it. Since then, i have continued on my magpie-esque love of jewellery, and now i admit, i am obsessed. 60% of what i buy is jewellery, often from small boutiques near my aunt's house. However, now i fear my love for jewels has spiralled out of control.
I looove all these big, chunky necklaces - Lanvin, YSL, the ones at Net-a-P . . . adore them all!
The necklace is so random, shiny, and wonderful. I adore.
I feel like you could totally make that on your own or probably find a look alike at topshop. There's nothing on that necklace that's worth 155, aside from the Miu Miu name. haha
Thanks for the commenting. Yeah, Gordy has to be my favorite too..I keep hearing lines as Scott M. Foster would say them.
I loved the chunky neclace. I wonder if I could make something like that.
thanks for your comment! i like your blog, xx
Oooh, and i'll put your blog on my links, is that allright? xx
awesome pick i love that necklace.
wow nice blog i would love to give you some chewits and a magazine.
I like jeweleries (?) but I hardly ever wear them, except for some cheap, colourful bracelets, but still I tend to spend money on necklaces and such.
its beautiful!!!!
I adore the necklace!
I love that necklace, but I'm sure you could find one similar or make your own. But I totally get what you mean, I hate lusting over something that would put a major dent in my wallet.
I love your blog! Very cool. I love the necklace, it's so unique.
I would love to link exchange, let me know!
That necklace is beautiful! I loved dressing up when I was little too.
That is such a beautiful, eccentric piece - but it's so simple at the same time.
Net-a-porter is the death of me, I spend way too much time on that thing....
Thank you for the wonderful comment, dear!!
i pile on my accessories too. i get comments on why i do this though....
wow..love the necklace@@it is fantastic!!
i also love my grandmother's closet!!it is full with vintage clothes
I used to do that in a chest my mother had. I would wear more than 10 pearl necklaces... it was fun
hey, what a coincidence! you are lusting after a miu miu necklace--and i am craving a miu miu bag! which is of course even further out of my reach than the necklace ^^
I LOVE BLING! But most of them are very out of my budget though! Do you mind if I link you! You have an amazing blog!!
dream is for free, after all :)))
i have a lot of dreams too!!! ;)
a kiss!!
ooooh gorgeous!!
agree with modelizer, you can probably make something similar yourself!
haha that is an intense looking necklace. i love raiding my grandma's clothes; good thing she lets me!
that necklace is super great
I've seriously got to have it, or something similar.
Argh, I feel the same way...i want to buy all of the necklaces on Net-a-Porter!
I really love those chunky necklaces - especially the Marni ones.
It is very pretty. There is a good sale on at Net-A-Porter at the moment!
Cuz we all were youngers
Oh I know what you mean! I am a jewellery obsessive! I truely believe it makes an outfit but from years of experimenting I have finally learnt that one should not go overboard!
Gorgeous necklace.
It looks like someone broke apart a bunch of necklaces and glued them onto one chain, in a good way. I like it, but the price is not quite as nice.
i think the closest i shall ever get to this necklace is dreaming also!
I buy too much jewellery for my own good and love vintage markets and little boutqiues for finding quircky things
Adorable necklace! I would love one :-)
Super super necklace! And don't feel guilty about jewelry, it's technically an investment, if you're ever a grandmother, your grand daughter will be lucky!!!
looks very nice. Maybe you can save a bit and buy it, it's really cool!
I love it. It's a wonderful surprise.
Such a wonderful necklace..I can understand why you want that! and I remember piling on my grandmother's jewelry too when I was younger..pretending I was barbie ;p
love it!!!
Oh yes, my sister and I used to love dressing in up in my grandmothers jewelery! So much fun!
very, very sweet. luv it.
terrific weblog.
this is sucha unique piece
ur posts never cease to grab my attention u r so original! i luv it!
Oh dont you just love net-a-porter for that reason...
Love this necklace! I could picture it going with a lot of outfits, from dressy to casual with a t-shirt!
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