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Celebrity Fashion Ranges.. The New Black?
Ok, so is it just me or does every celebrity under the sun seem to be bringing out thier own range of clothing?
-New Lily Loves for new look range [pictured]
-Kate Moss for topshop
-Kelly Brook swimwear for New look
-Kylie swimwear for H & M
-Maddona for H & M
-Lily Cole 'bag' for Accesorize
-Olsen twins range for.. erm an american brand?!
-George Clooney for Primark. Okay maybe not but you never know how things will turn out!!
Personally, i think its ridiculous how one persons name gets planted on a bunch of clothes and suddenly they are more desirable. There are plenty of amazing designers that could make nicer stuff. Although i do think that Kate Moss range is genious. She has amazing taste, and it will earn topshop a fair amount. But Lily Allen? Come on guys! Shes only been famous for like a nano second, and to be honest she looks like a bit of a chav the last few times i have seen her. Tssk!
Im just waiting for the Peaches Geldof range to come out!!
It's so true! "Clooney for Primark" is hilarious...
sure I'll exchange links with you...I'll add you as soon as I get a chance
i agree. i've barely even heard about lily allen and next thing i know she has some clothing line (?). xx
if peaches geldorf comes out with a clothing line, i will take sadistic pleasure in dressing a mannequin in her creations and then chucking the mannequin into the hudson river.
PEACHES. ugh. i will never get over it. that NAME, it's like nails on chalkboard just typing it.
but i agree, i loved lily allen so much before this clothing dealie. she might actually make it cool though.
Why does the lily allen line and pics remind me of Kelly Osborne?
I'm so over it. I wish celeb lines for department stores will go away. They just copy the designer brands they like anyway and manufacture them in huge quantities at low quality and peddle them to the masses of celeb-starved fans and societies. It's not fashion its fake.
so many celebrity based clothes lines to check out
so little time :)
LOVE your site, I'm definitely linking <3
I like designer collaborations more than celebrity ones, because I am such a brandwhore.
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